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Friday, May 9, 2014

How do you Win a Pulitzer?

We're all Just Bozos on the Bus!

Several wise people have said this or repeated the sentiment. Yes, in many ways we are just that. There is no private club for those who are destined to outshine, out-win, out-succeed everyone else. The secret society members are those who were not afraid to ask. They know that if you don't ask the answer is no. They know that if you don't listen to your heart, follow your dreams, write the way you feel and about what you believe passionately, you won't be happy and therefore you won't succeed. The ultimate success is happiness, but it's also nice to earn recognition or cash, or both, along the way.

So how do you win a Pulitzer, or any other prize or reward for your writing?

A man by the name of Gilbert King went from writing about Mr. Potato Head to crafting an award-winning story about racial injustice. Then he won the Pulitzer Prize. Of course, and a lot happened in between: He worked, read, worked, thought, worked some more, wrote, worked more, made connections, worked, and pitched his work. Pretty much the way we all do it.

Here's the story about Gilbert's journey to getting what he never thought possible. He knew he was just one of us; he also knew he had a story to tell about racial injustice. The rest unfolded along the way. Here's the story about how Gilbert King decided to go for broke and wound up with a Pulitzer Prize:

Gilbert King on How to Win a Pulitzer Prize...

You're probably just be one of us bozos too, plodding your way through the next chapter, but victory might also be yours.

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